for Abandoned Underground Storage Tanks
Perma-Fill™ Foam System
Florida relies on groundwater for about 92% of its drinking water needs. Consequently, Florida became one of the first states to pass legislation and adopt rules for underground and above-ground storage tank systems.
Tailored Foam of Florida’s Perma-Fill Corporation, Inc. affiliate offers a cost-effective solution for in-place abandonment of underground storage tanks and pipelines. Perma-Fill™ foam is also a cost-effective solution for filling void space prior to the landfill disposal of rail cars and other large containers containing hardened wastes and resins.
Perma-Fill™ foam is a three-component system
An aminoplast nitrogen-based resin with a catalyst foaming agent surfactant are injected with compressed air. The foam resembles shaving cream in appearance. The foam is pumped from our specially equipped trucks by factory trained installers, into guns which produce the foam. After an underground storage tank has been cleaned by others, the foam is introduced through vent lines, fill lines, or by confined space entry in the case of larger tanks. All openings are sealed with concrete after the tank is filled with foam.
The Perma-Fill™ foam system is a method of underground storage tank abandonment and abatement approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in Florida.1 The Perma-Fill™ foam system offers several advantages over removal of abandoned underground storage tanks:
The costs of digging, removal and disposal of underground storage tanks are avoided.
The costs of surface cover replacement are avoided: Paved areas, sidewalks, grass and landscaping are not disturbed.
Perma-Fill™ foam is more economical than sand fill or concrete slurry solutions.
Perma-Fill™ foam is non-flammable and chemically inert. The foam will note promote corrosion of steel tanks or react with residual petroleum products.
If removal becomes necessary at a later date, abandoned tanks filled with Perma-Fill™ foam weigh substantially less and can be removed at dramatically lower cost than tanks filled with sand or concrete.
In the event of subsequent removal, Perma-Fill™ foam is approved for disposal in municipal landfills.
Perma-Fill™ foam can be injected through a manhole access opening or tank fill port.